Mission Statement:
"Our Mission is to work with families to help students reach their God given potential."
Our Motto:
"Achieve Through Christ"
Faith Christian School Aims & Objectives
To provide students with equitable access to quality education that promotes student excellence. To develop confident and creative individuals and successful learners through the implementation of programs and the provision of resources required to cover and implement State and National essential learnings and syllabuses within a Christian World View. To recognise parental contribution and the privilege we have as a school to guide our families in developing the whole child through teaching support and resource provision. To work in partnership with parents who realise involvement is vital for both Distance Education and Day School for student learning success. To provide safe, nurturing and well resourced learning environments, both physical and electronic - that are not confined to the four walls of a traditional classroom. Taking advantage of and building strong community partnerships and students who will be active and informed citizens. To encourage the understanding of the family and home in providing a base and foundation for learning and experiences within school and community learning utilities, the wilderness and wider social contexts. Picture: Mr. Caldwell travelling out west visiting DE families over a decade ago before there was even funding...
Philosophy and Values
We value the opportunity to live in relationship with God, accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ to live Christian lives following God’s Word –the Bible.
We value the equitable opportunity for students to fulfill their God given potential, developing their gifts and talents through learning academic knowledge and excellence in communication skills, critical reasoning ability and love for others.
We value our School Community to enable the students to live full and active lives, encouraging proper standards of fitness, cleanliness, and purity.
We value the development of student’s responsible, safe and caring behaviour. Teaching leadership and the joy in serving others - through witness, lessons and experience.
We value and endeavour to foster Christian family values and the importance of strong family relationships and interpersonal skills with others as a basis for happiness and fulfillment to become lifelong learners and active well-informed citizens. These values are in line with the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) declaration on educational goals for young Australians (2008).
"We believe in the development of higher-order thinking skills and deep learning while acknowledging the importance of core learning areas." The Distance Education model that we promote gives students clear directions and opportunities to meet national educational guidelines within a Christian framework and a loving home environment. We utilise a range of educational approaches and curricula, as we recognise the importance of not subscribing to any one school of thought religiously. Instead, Faith CSDE recognises the importance of different learning styles, the importance of success in learning and the importance of our faith in God.
Statement of Faith
The Statement of Faith for Faith Christian School is:
We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God.
We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, was and is the eternal Son of God, that He became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and was born of the virgin Mary.
We believe in His sinless life, miraculous ministry, substitutionary atoning death, resurrection, ascension and abiding intercession.
We believe that He will come again to this earth at the end of the age to judge the living and the dead and to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. That it is a work of the Holy Spirit whereby the repentant and believing sinner is born again and becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus.
- We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit which enables a believer to live a holy and God glorifying life.
We believe that while “saved by grace” a believer’s life-witness will demonstrate integrity and Christian character because Faith without works is dead.
Both Progress and Attainment
Many who have experienced learning difficulty need to have the opportunity to experience learning success by working at their instructional level while bridging towards developmental guides where appropriate. This gives an emphasis on the importance of acknowledging progress and not just attainment.
Our staff are also working hard to develop our own Christian World View curriculum to meet the needs of Australian Students and ACARA. We will not get caught up in selling a product. Christian Distance Education needs to be cautious of products that promote themselves as “God’s way”, when the Bible teaches that “Jesus is the way”. Curricula are simply learning tools devised by people at a time and place in history.
Learning Philosophy -OPTES
A fundamental key to ideal learning, which includes retention, is found in giving students the Opportunity To Experience Learning Success (OPTES). Our Principal believes "this should be a fundamental student right. Without the experience of success students tend to shut down, gain anxiety about a field of learning, distrust for a subject or worse - believe they are failures and not able to be successful… "Outcomes based education would instead suggest, “if they didn’t get it, we failed to teach them.” Simply put, it isn’t the student that failed but the educator or curriculum that failed…
We believe it is our responsibility as teachers, working with parent educators, to ensure every student has the opportunity to experience learning success.
That Learning success also requires commitment, time, effort, organisation, high interest content, real life learning context, with an emphasis on developmental, whole to part relational understandings (how the equation works and applies, not just blindly filling in the blanks or following a rote learnt algorithm or process).
Learning success is supported by an emphasis on recognition of progress and not just reward for attainment. We all know examples of adults that left school following low attainment at school who went on to achieve highly in later years when they had the opportunity to work at their instructional level.
For children, this holds true - while bridging towards developmental chronological guides where appropriate. Many families come to us with stories of students who have been left behind, as schools seem to follow a very busy curriculum and this with computerised reporting systems has given the excuse to ignore “differentiation”, not allowing students to work at their instructional level -but rather simply demand a student who may be working 2 years behind to try to keep up on work that is at their chronological (class) grade level.
Our Statement of Service
Click here to see the services that we provide to our families.